Tuesday, April 12, 2016



winged liner SLAY 

So i was browsing through my Facebook this afternoon and i seen an inbox message from one of my school friends asking me about what liner i used for my top liner. Immediately i thought well if she has a question just like i did the first time i attempted the "INFAMOUS" winged liner, there might be many more out there just like us. So here i am ranting again, but this time its a beauty blog post !! YAY for my first... 

So a while back i posted an Instagram pick captioned eyeliner attempt one, and this was not my first time attempting eyeliner, however it was my first time attempting this method. I have been applying eyeliner simply by applying, with a pencil, just a line outlining my lash line. Later i gained some courage after watching my mum and sister in the bathroom mirrors taking their time, which to me seemed like seconds, to achieve this look. 

I stood in front of the mirror and tried and tried and tried until i somewhat got the idea of how the wing suppose to be. Still not perfect! i finally bought myself a gel pot liner with a thin but firm brush that just glides along the lid in a smooth motion this is what you need in terms of brushes to achieve this, well what works for me. Below are pictures of the method that i adopted as the easiest in my opinion.

STEP 1: Draw a line extending from just before the end of the lid so don't go till the corner of the outer eye. This line can be as long or as short as you like. 
STEP 2: Now from the end of this line draw a line coming in towards where you iris is, so that's just before the middle of your eyelid. 
STEP 3: Once you have this tail complete the hard part is done and now you simple draw a line, or as i like to do, draw small lines from your inner corner till the point to where your line meets the tail. ( small lines keeps the steadiness of the hand and therefore a neat line). 
STEP 4: We now have completed the liners outline.
STEP 5: The fun part begins now where we fill in the outlines and making sure there are no empty or uneven spaces. 
STEP 6: Let the final touches begin. Start of by examining if there is any lines out of place and fix them up with earbuds and a little makeup remover or water. Also neaten up your tail adjusting it to your preference and VOILA !! 

This is my eyeliner attempt one using the above method and i must say i am highly impressed with the results !!! 

Oh And Yes My Hair Is Now Pink :-)

This look for me is by far my go to outing makeup. For more of a day-to-day look i don't do the full eye i only end up doing the wing. This is only if i really commit to doing my makeup in the morning hahahah !!! here's an insert below of the just wing liner i personally love it to just freshen up the eye a little not foretting to apply the Mascara too... I love me loads of Mascara !! 

easy wing 
This look i love, its simple and gorgeous !! 

Gel Liner 

 I did not take pictures at the time of doing my eyeliner as i never knew this would be a topic of interest, and now i am super excited to post more tips and tricks :-) !! super excited !! 

hope you guys enjoy this... subscribe if you would like more and comment what those ideas might be... 

Thanks for reading :-) 

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